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М206 Уклањање акни Дубинско чишћење Машина за подмлађивање коже за избељивање и хидратацију коже

Кратак опис:

Ватер анд Окиген Јет је ефикасан систем за лечење акни, који довољно меша воду, медицински кисеоник и хранљиву течност, распршује се брзином од 230 м/с и делује на кожу.Честице смеше продиру у дубоки дермис из епидермиса са 50-80μм ситним гранулама, потпуно чисте фоликул и лојну жлезду.

Детаљи о производу

Ознаке производа

Water and Oxygen Jet is an effective acne treatment system, which mixes water,medical oxygen and nutrition liquid sufficiently, sprays out at the speed of 230m/s and acts on the skin. The mixture particles penetrates into deep dermis from epidermis with 50-80μm tiny granules, cleans the follicle and sebaceous gland completely.

Теорија лечења

Applications 1. Acne clearance; 2. Skin whitening,skin texture improving; 3. Deeply skin cleaning,replenishing water and nutrition for skin; 4. Folliculitis; 5. Combined with other equipments to achieve a better treatment effect;     特征和优势:Features & Advantages 1. M206 is cost effective as a vertical Water & Oxygen Jet machine; 2. Unique inner air supply system guarantees the security and stability of air output; 3. Air output adjustment system accurately controls the output flow and pressure of liquid for different treatment parts; 4. Air switch easily transfers air supply from Air Compressor or Medical Oxygen Tank; 5. The inner Air Compressor can offer 0-10KG air output pressure to meet the need of treatment; 6. Being natural, healthy and fresh, Water & Oxygen Jet treatment replenishes the skin with oxygen and nutrients, and gives you a clean and young skin;


1. Чишћење акни;
2. Избељивање коже, побољшање текстуре коже;
3. Дубинско чишћење коже, допуна воде и исхране за кожу;
4. Фоликулитис;
5. У комбинацији са другом опремом за постизање бољег ефекта третмана;

Applications 1. Acne clearance; 2. Skin whitening,skin texture improving; 3. Deeply skin cleaning,replenishing water and nutrition for skin; 4. Folliculitis; 5. Combined with other equipments to achieve a better treatment effect;     特征和优势:Features & Advantages 1. M206 is cost effective as a vertical Water & Oxygen Jet machine; 2. Unique inner air supply system guarantees the security and stability of air output; 3. Air output adjustment system accurately controls the output flow and pressure of liquid for different treatment parts; 4. Air switch easily transfers air supply from Air Compressor or Medical Oxygen Tank; 5. The inner Air Compressor can offer 0-10KG air output pressure to meet the need of treatment; 6. Being natural, healthy and fresh, Water & Oxygen Jet treatment replenishes the skin with oxygen and nutrients, and gives you a clean and young skin; Applications 1. Acne clearance; 2. Skin whitening,skin texture improving; 3. Deeply skin cleaning,replenishing water and nutrition for skin; 4. Folliculitis; 5. Combined with other equipments to achieve a better treatment effect;     特征和优势:Features & Advantages 1. M206 is cost effective as a vertical Water & Oxygen Jet machine; 2. Unique inner air supply system guarantees the security and stability of air output; 3. Air output adjustment system accurately controls the output flow and pressure of liquid for different treatment parts; 4. Air switch easily transfers air supply from Air Compressor or Medical Oxygen Tank; 5. The inner Air Compressor can offer 0-10KG air output pressure to meet the need of treatment; 6. Being natural, healthy and fresh, Water & Oxygen Jet treatment replenishes the skin with oxygen and nutrients, and gives you a clean and young skin;

Карактеристике и предности

1. М206 је исплатив као вертикална машина за млаз воде и кисеоника;
2. Јединствени унутрашњи систем за довод ваздуха гарантује сигурност и стабилност излаза ваздуха;
3. Систем за подешавање излаза ваздуха прецизно контролише излазни проток и притисак течности за различите делове третмана;
4. Прекидач ваздуха лако преноси довод ваздуха из ваздушног компресора или резервоара за медицински кисеоник;
5. Унутрашњи ваздушни компресор може понудити излазни притисак ваздуха од 0-10 кг како би задовољио потребу за третманом;
6. Будући да је природан, здрав и свеж, третман Ватер & Окиген Јет допуњава кожу кисеоником и хранљивим материјама и даје вам чисту и младу кожу;

Applications 1. Acne clearance; 2. Skin whitening,skin texture improving; 3. Deeply skin cleaning,replenishing water and nutrition for skin; 4. Folliculitis; 5. Combined with other equipments to achieve a better treatment effect;     特征和优势:Features & Advantages 1. M206 is cost effective as a vertical Water & Oxygen Jet machine; 2. Unique inner air supply system guarantees the security and stability of air output; 3. Air output adjustment system accurately controls the output flow and pressure of liquid for different treatment parts; 4. Air switch easily transfers air supply from Air Compressor or Medical Oxygen Tank; 5. The inner Air Compressor can offer 0-10KG air output pressure to meet the need of treatment; 6. Being natural, healthy and fresh, Water & Oxygen Jet treatment replenishes the skin with oxygen and nutrients, and gives you a clean and young skin; Applications 1. Acne clearance; 2. Skin whitening,skin texture improving; 3. Deeply skin cleaning,replenishing water and nutrition for skin; 4. Folliculitis; 5. Combined with other equipments to achieve a better treatment effect;     特征和优势:Features & Advantages 1. M206 is cost effective as a vertical Water & Oxygen Jet machine; 2. Unique inner air supply system guarantees the security and stability of air output; 3. Air output adjustment system accurately controls the output flow and pressure of liquid for different treatment parts; 4. Air switch easily transfers air supply from Air Compressor or Medical Oxygen Tank; 5. The inner Air Compressor can offer 0-10KG air output pressure to meet the need of treatment; 6. Being natural, healthy and fresh, Water & Oxygen Jet treatment replenishes the skin with oxygen and nutrients, and gives you a clean and young skin;

M206 Acne Removal Deep Cleaning Skin Rejuvenation Skin Whitening and Skin Moisturizer Machine (3)
M206 Acne Removal Deep Cleaning Skin Rejuvenation Skin Whitening and Skin Moisturizer Machine (3)
M206 Acne Removal Deep Cleaning Skin Rejuvenation Skin Whitening and Skin Moisturizer Machine (2)
M206 Acne Removal Deep Cleaning Skin Rejuvenation Skin Whitening and Skin Moisturizer Machine (1)

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